Social Media helps you drill down

Social Media helps you drill down

I was reading an article called A Business Marketer’s Guide to Social Media which has some interesting thoughts. It’s almost a year old, which is a very long time in an emerging market, but it puts forward an interesting point. Social Media helps businesses get more granular in their approach to customer service.

This increased granularity is extremely important in today’s marketplace. There’s no debate that the market has moved from mass markets to mass customisation to personalisation of products and services. Social Media takes marketing down the same route. The article raises 4 questions that marketeers need to ask to any social media site they plan to target:

  • What proportion of the site’s content is community generated versus content generated by the site operator or third parties?
  • Does the community create quality content and how is that quality guaranteed?
  • Will my existing online campaigns work on a social media site?
  • What technologies or services does the site offer to help marketers target specific demographics or sub-groups?

The wholesale adoption of social media without the necessary analysis and introspection can carry a significant risk of failure. These questions need to be addressed and answered before any successful campaign can be launched.

10 thoughts on “Social Media helps you drill down

  1. It makes sense that you would have criteria for social media just as you would for other venues. It may be different criteria, but it’s a difference audience.

  2. When I first began blogging I just thought I had to write my posts, visit other blogs and wait for the traffic to come in. Now I’ve learned how important Social Media is to blogging.

  3. Blogging is “easy” it’s having the proper business strategy in place (and flexible) that I think is the most difficult for many to wrap their heads around. If you’re blogging (or socializing in general) just for something to do that’s easy; if you’re trying to make a real living online, evaluation and the ability to incorporate new ways of communicating is a critical must. This is a “new” blog to me, but looks very promising, thanks!

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