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Category: news analysis

The business view on the threat level

The business view on the threat level

Image via Wikipedia Well, it’s only been a few hours since Britain has raised the threat level to “Severe”. But what does this mean to the business world. Well, the biggest issue is that people tend to be a bit more conservative when they perceive risk. This could have a negative effect on the market, which can have knock-on effects to the whole economy. I tend to believe though that these things are more pronounced when they are announced. People…

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‘Avatar’ Top Movie for 5th Week With Sales of $41 Mln

‘Avatar’ Top Movie for 5th Week With Sales of $41 Mln

$41 million dollars a week. Now that’s a whopping amount of money by any stretch of the imagination. I was thinking about the movie industry in relation to pirated movies a couple of days ago and the thoughts I was having is around the remuneration that all the people invovled in the creation of media are due. Sure, it takes a substantial amount of effort to produce a movie like this, but once the costs are covered, who reaps the…

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How do you pay for your news

How do you pay for your news

Image via CrunchBase There’s an interesting movement happening in the journalism world at the moment. You could sum it up as a battle of wills between Murdoch and Google, but it’s more than that. There’s a cost involves in collecting news and someone has to pay for that in the end. Here are some costs The Times faces: Indicating the costs of quality journalism, he said it had cost the Times £1.5m to run a Baghdad bureau for the duration…

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Everything costs £1

Everything costs £1

Interesting article on BBC News about how pound shops in the UK are handling problems like rising inflation. They have an interesting view on this as they see it as a shift in the products they carry rather than something that is damaging their business. So, items they sold at £1 last year might have gone out of budget and not be on their shelves any more, but items that sold at 90p in other shops are now more expensive…

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Misleading headlines: Lies, darned lies, and misrepresented statistics

Misleading headlines: Lies, darned lies, and misrepresented statistics

One thing that REALLY gets under my skin is when people manipulate statistics to try and create sensational news. I came across this news article this morning: Malta’s food prices second highest in eurozone By MaltaMedia News Jun 3, 2008 – 10:44:20 AM Food prices in Malta rose by 9.7% in April 2008, more than twice the inflation rate which during the same month stood at 4.1% in 2007, according to Eurostat. Malta, therefore, has the second highest rise in…

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