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Category: product development

NSA chief endores the iPad

NSA chief endores the iPad

You know, there are many things that can help market your product, but when the chief of the NSA calles it “wonderful” you know you’re on the right track. This is exactly what happened to Apple when Lieutenant General Keith Alexander, will will be leading the U.S. Cyber Command, went on record speaking highly about the iPad. When a company launches a new product they take a massive risk, and to get a high profile recommendation like that can be…

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Onstar: Leveraging new technologies for market penetration

Onstar: Leveraging new technologies for market penetration

Here’s an interesting blend of technologies. OnStar, the GM in-vehicle technology for car-person integration is supporting integration to Twitter, allowing car drivers to Tweet from the comfort of their cars using voice recognition. I personally have a Garmin GPS unit in my car, but it doesn’t even do voice recognition. It’s a great geeky use of technology, but to me it also represents a car manufacturer using technology to try and differentiate it’s offering from that of it’s competitors. This…

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SlotMusic: An attempt to extend physical music sales

SlotMusic: An attempt to extend physical music sales

Interesting development today as SanDisk try to breath new life into the dying record sales industry. They have come up with slotMusic: an offering that uses MicroSD cards to distribute high-quality DRM-free MP3s and are touting it as an “immediate, tangible, and high quality alternative to CDs and digital delivery” Personally I don’t think the idea will go very far. I tend to agree with Om Malik who lists 5 reasons why the scheme will fail, and I think the…

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